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These rules are the basis for all Limerick Camera Club internal competitions. This version (September 2022 V3.1) supersedes all other versions of club competition rules. A copy of these rules are available from the Competition Secretary and will be published on the club website.

All competitions will be judged by external judges who are preferably on the national judging circuit where possible.

  • The competition is restricted to fully paid up members of the Limerick Camera Club.

  • Competition Night is the first Wednesday of every month beginning in October.

  • Under normal circumstances only members who are present at the monthly competitions may enter club

    competitions, in exceptional circumstances a member may submit images to the monthly competition in

    their absence.

  • Competition entries, whether print or projected image, must be original photographs and must be the

    entrant’s own work. All the components of composite images submitted in competitions must be the

    photographers own work.

  • All club competitions will be judged by an external judge or judges who are not affiliated to the club.

  • An image can only be entered once in the monthly competitions with the exception of the Five Panel Print.


Further information is available below under The Five Panel Print Section


To ensure fair competition between photographers of similar ability, we operate three grades. New members (with less than 2 years photography experience) are placed into Grade 3 by default, but can request to be moved to Grade 2 if they wish. New members who meet any of the criteria for Grade 1 will be placed in Grade 1. Any member who wishes to move down a grade from either grade one or grade two will apply through the competition secretary. The competitions secretary’s decision is final.

Grade 1:

Any distinction holders Associate or above – e.g. AIPF, ARPS etc. Have won LCC League Grade 2

Grade 2:
Have won LCC League Grade 3

Any holders of Licentiate Distinction – e.g. LIPF, LRPS etc Have requested to compete in Grade 2 (New Members only)


Grade 3:
New members (with less than 2 years photography experience) 



Each Image is to be scored out of 20 points.

  • Grade 1: May enter up to 3 images with best 2 images scored, i.e. 40 points available.

  • Grade 2: May enter up to 3 images with best 2 images scored, i.e. 40 points available.

  • Grade 3: May enter 2 images both scored, i.e. 40 points available.




The breakdown of the 8 monthly competitions is as follows:

  • 3xOpen

  • 3 x Monochrome

  • 1 x Themed

  • Five Panel Print (To be judged by 2 Judges (where available) who are at the material time active on the

    National Circuit) Total Points available is 50


The total points available for Grade 1 would be 330 (7 x 40 + 50)

The total points available for Grade 2 would be 330 (7 x 40 + 50)

The total points available for Grade 3 would be 330 (7 x 40 + 50)

Photographer of the year (POTY) would be the photographer with the highest total combination of points between the Grade 1 League and the 5 Panel Print.

Grade 2 Winner would be the photographer with the highest total combination of points between the Grade 2 League and the 5 Panel Print.

Grade 3 Winner would be the photographer with the highest total combination of points between the Grade 3 League and the 5 Panel Print.



This annual award is presented to the member who has received the most points from the Grade 1 monthly league & 5 Panel Print. This prize will be shared in the event of an equal points tie.

Grade 2 & 3 are excluded from the Photographer of the Year competition


This annual award is presented to the member who has received the most points from the Grade 2 monthly league & 5 Panel Print. This prize will be shared in the event of an equal points tie.


This annual award is presented to the member who has received the most points from the Grade 3 monthly league & 5 Panel Print. This prize will be shared in the event of an equal points tie.


This is an annual award. Members enter a panel of five images, which can be either B&W or Colour or a combination of both. Each image in the panel must cohere to a common theme/ subject. In the event of a tie all five images from each author are shown to judges to determine the winner.

Total points available are 50.


Images (B&W or Colour) must have been captured within the County of Limerick. This competition/exhibition is to be judged externally. It is used to raise the profile of The Club and the photography of its Members to people outside of the club. These images will then be used for an annual Club exhibition to be displayed in a location chosen by the LCC Committee.


The committee may, as it deems necessary, make special awards to recognise the achievements of club members who have shown exceptional creativity, originality, improvement, or dedication during the year. Additional competitions, either with or without themes, may be held during the year at the discretion of the committee.


The maximum acceptable print sizes for monthly or annual competitions are:


  • For portrait/landscape images 8” x12” (20cm x 30cm)

  • 10” (25cm) square for square images

  • 10” (25cm) diameter for round images

Prints should be mounted on a single card mount not exceeding 2.5 inches or 6 centimetres wider on all sides of the print.

Entries may be directly mounted on card, or behind a mat mount. The colour of the mount is left up to individuals. Should entries be mounted directly on foam board the image cannot exceed sizes. The foam board mount should be no larger than 2.5 inches or 6 centimetres wider on both sides than the image print.

Any competition entries not meeting the above criteria may be disqualified from the competition at the discretion of Competition Secretary, Club Chairman and one other member of the Committee.


Each member will be given a unique member number. They will upload their images via the portal link. Digital images for projection must be 3000 pixels on the longest side @ 300 DPI

The images you enter have to be labeled as in this following example:

"LCC001(A) Clare Glens"
The “LCC001” is your assigned Comp ID Number (each competitor has a unique number).

Is a place holder for your image number (a, b, or c) “Clare Glens” is the place for your image name.

Members must rename their images correctly; failure to do so will mean the entries will not be accepted for the monthly competition.

Grade 1 members may enter up to three images per round using any mixture of colour prints or monochrome print images - Unless otherwise stated

Grade 2 members may enter up to three images per round using any mixture of colour prints or monochrome print images - Unless otherwise stated

Grade 3 members may enter up to two images per round using any mixture of colour prints or monochrome print images - Unless otherwise stated


External Workshop Images are allowed, all work must be that of the Author. Should an image come under question the author will be required to show 2/3 images taken previously that would indicate a progressive trend from when they first began to experiment within the material genre. The images will then be considered by Chairperson, Competitions Secretary & Assistant Competitions Secretary.


The Committee may amend competition rules from time to time, as required.

Members may also propose changes to the competition rules at any club meeting. With the exception of an AGM or EGM the majority committee decision is final in all matters on any proposed changes.

Interested parties in disagreement with committee decisions may relate this in writing to the committee and raise it as convenient at a regular meeting. The committee will then deal with the matter, or the other interested party may insist on a hearing at the next AGM or EGM. EGM will be granted if a simple majority of members present on the night vote for it or if the committee chairman or designate decide it is in the best interest of the club to hold such a meeting.

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